Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

Duration : 3 Years
Eligibility : 10+2 or equivalent 

BCA is a new age degree course in the field of computer applications. The duration of the course is normally three years. After completion of the BCA course, students can opt for MCA or they can even try for job opportunities. Bachelor of Computer Applications is a course that is customized for students wishing to shine in the field of computers and information technology. If you are interested in computer related field and even if you are not interested in computer field, but you have a fast thinking mind and can apply concepts and analyze the situation coming your way, then BCA is the perfect course for you. Concepts and subjects studied in BCA are in par with engineering subjects.


First Year                                                 Full Marks- 100         
Hons. Paper I                                  (Theory-75, Practical-25)
Computer Fundamental
Computer Software
Processing Modes
Programming Concept
Introduction to Computer Architecture
Programmic Logic and design techniques Practical

Hons. Paper II
Operating System
Business Application
Foxpro-indexing, Sorting and printing report
Programming and error Debugging 
Multiple Data file and Custom Screens

Second Year                             Full Marks- 100 (Theory-75, Practical-25)                      
 Hons. Paper III                                                   
Computer Networking
Boolean Algebra
Structured Programming

 Hons. Paper IV                        Full Marks -100 (Theory-75, Practical-25)                                                                               
Data Structure
Stack and Queues
Linked list, Searching and sorting
Tables and Graphs
Computer Aided Drafting

Final Year                                                     Full Marks- 100                                                                     
Hons. Paper-V
Programming in Visual Basic
Mapping Project
Elements of the users Interface
Introduction to Visual Basic Language
Working with Forms 
Active X Commands (the text box controls)
List box and combo box
Dialog Box
Component of Visual Basic
Graphics with Visual Basic
Database Management system (DBMS)

Hons. Paper-VI                                    Full Marks- 100

Object Oriented Programming
Java Programming
Advance topics in Computers

Hons. Paper-VII                                     Full Marks- 100

Design of a database for a business application.
Design of data entry forms and report layouts for these database.
Creation of program to access and manipulate the database.
Development of a business application in RDBMS.
Creating merging and deleting tables.
Project preparation and viva-voce.

Hons. Paper-VIII                                      Full Marks- 100
Pepare a project in c++ programming.
Project preparation and viva-voce.

 Subsidiary Paper :

First Year
Subsidiary Paper I     :    English
Subsidiary Paper II    :    Math
Composition Paper I :    Hindi or Urdu

Second Year :

Subsidiary Paper III     :    English
Subsidiary Paper IV    :    Math
Composition Paper II :    Hindi or Urdu

Final Year :
Subsidiary Paper V      :     General Studies

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